Vera Dorothy Tracey

General Information

First Name(s): Vera Dorothy

Unmarried Surname:  Tracey

Date of Birth:  5/3/1917

Date Joined WLA: Sometime before June 1940.

WLA Number: 135722

Previous occupation: Hospital ward orderly or similar

Reasons for leaving: Disbandment


Diary work and chicken sexing on a Farm in Felstead Essex and Hillbroad Farm, Great Braxted, Essex.

Miss Stevens believed to be forewoman or supervisor. Also worked with Betty ?

My Brother says she went to Wales for a week to a hostel for a holiday he does not know where. [This would have been the WLA Rest Break House in Llandudno.]


Bob and Winnie Brand, Felstead

Molly Parr, The Post office, Great Braxted, Essex

Also for a time the Land Army Hostel in Great Dunmow, Essex.

Life after the war

Post-war occupation: Unknown prior to 1957 but I remember her strawberry picking, strawing and hoeing, apple picking. Also turkey plucking at Christmas time, I remember her sausage stuffing and chick sexing. She was also for a time a school dinner lady.

Contributor Information

Name: Carol Burton

Relationship to Land Girl: Daughter

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