Phyllis Irene Louise Moorman

General Information

First Name(s):  Phyllis Irene Louise, but went by the name Rene.

Unmarried Surname: Moorman

Date of Birth:  24/6/1911

Place of Birth:  Hillis (near Northwood) Cowes, Isle of Wight

Date Left WLA: Probably January 1946

Employment and Accommodation


Pre-Work Training: Domestic

Employed by?: Private farmer. 

Dates with employer?: Unknown

County: Isle of Wight

Farm Name: Mrs Rice, Great Park Farm, Carisbrooke.


Accommodation in: Unknown

Life After War

Return to their pre-war occupation? Yes

Post-war occupation? Domestic

How did work in the WLA / WTC effect your/ their life? Met an Italian PoW who was also working on the farm. They had a baby (me).

Further Information

Reasons for leaving: Had a baby

Contributor Details

Name: Colin Moorman

Relationship to Land Girl: Son

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