Lucy Arthur (née Bradburn)

Lucy Arthur (née Bradburn)
Lucy is pictured on the left, next to her sister Mary.

General Information

First Name(s): Lucy

Unmarried Surname: Bradburn

Married Surname:  Arthur

Date of Birth:  22/10/1927

Date of Death:  18/09/2004

Place of Birth:  Wishaw, Lanarkshire

Date Joined WLA: c. 1944-1945

Date Left WLA: c.1947


Netherhill Farm 1945-1946; Wester Yard House Farm 1947

She worked at Netherhill Farm, Crawfordjohn, Lanarkshire where my Grandfather, William Arthur, was a tenant farmer. She subsequently moved to Wester Yard House farm near Carnwath (in late 1946 or early 1947),

She told me that she went into the Land Army because you could join at 17 – you had to be 18 to go into the Forces. Another reason that she joined was she wanted to get away from home! Lucy’s mother died shortly after her second child, Mary, was born and the girls were brought up by their grandfather and his second wife. They had a very strict upbringing and this was an ideal opportunity for Lucy to leave home even if it meant hard work on the land.

Life after the war

My mother married on December 30th 1947 and lived at Wester Yard House farm. My mother probably helped on the farm until I was born in 1948. My Dad got a job as Cowman at Wester Yard House and my parents lived there in a tied cottage after their marriage. After my birth in November 1948 they moved to Brockhall in Lancashire where my Dad got a job as a cowman.

Contributor Information

Name: Bill Arthur

Relationship to Land Girl: Son

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