Florence Louisa Last (née Mullender)
General Information
First Name(s): Florence Louisa
Unmarried Surname: Mullender
Married Surname: Last
Date of Birth: 21.5.22
Date joined WLA: 25.8.1941
Date left WLA: 29.12.45
Reasons for leaving: Demobilised through release scheme.
WLA number: 51995
I know that Mother lived at home, while she served in the WLA. She worked on a locally at Cowder Hall Farm, with Italian Prisoners. She also spent some time at Walton Hall Farm, Linford and at another farm that I don’t know the name of.
One story she would always tell people was that while cycling from home to the farm in Wickford with another Land Girl they were both shot at by a German plane following them along the lane. In fear they dived into a hedge, where they were rescued by a truck load of soldiers who took them to the farm.
Contributor Information
Name: Frank Last
Relationship to Land Girl: Son