Florence Hampshier

Florence Hampshier Courtesy of Joyce Evelyn Wright

Florence Hampshier
Courtesy of Joyce Evelyn Wright

General Information

First Name(s): Florence

Unmarried Surname: Hampshier

Married Surname: Bond

Date of Birth: 10 August 1893

Place of Birth: Bermondsey, London

Date Joined WLA: Agriculture – Date Unknown

Employment and Accommodation


Employed by?: Private Farmer

County: Bedfordshire

Village: Southill

Farm Name: Old Rowney Farm


Accommodation in: Private billet – Lodged in farmworker’s cottage on the farm with a farm worker’s wife. A Mrs Mays.

Life After War

Life after war: Returned to domestic service. Later married. Brought up a family but always loved farm work and worked part-time doing seasonal work harvesting vegetables.

Contributor Details

Name: Joyce Evelyn Wright

Relationship to Land Girl: Daughter

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