Foat, Joanna. Lumberjills: Britain’s Forgotten Army. The History Press, 2019.
Gray, Affleck. Timber!: Memories of Life in the Scottish Women’s Timber Corps, 1942-46. Edited by Uiga Robertson and John Robertson. Vol. 7. Flashbacks. East Linton: Tuckwell in association with European Ethnological Research Centre, 1998.
Ministry of Supply. Meet the Members: A Record of the Timber Corps of the Women’s Land Army. Bristol: Bennett Brothers Ltd., 1944.
Journal articles
Swanston, Catherine N. “The Health of Forestry Workers: A Survey of the Women’s Timber Corps of Great Britain.” British Journal of Industrial Medicine vol. 3, no. 1 (1946): 1–10
Vickers, Emma “‘The Forgotten Army of the Woods’: The Women’s Timber Corps during the Second World War.” The Agricultural History Review vol. 59, no. 1 (2011).
Williams, Mavis. Lumber Jill: Her Story of Four Years in the Women’s Timber Corps, 1942-45. Bradford on Avon: Ex Libris Press, 1994.
Parker, Pat. “The Rewards of Hard Labour, Lumberjill from London.” In What Did You Do in the War, Mummy?, edited by Mavis Nicholas, 55–63. Bridgend: Seren, 2010.
Suffolk Archives Online Exhibition on the Women’s Timber Corps
Davies, Alexandra. Lumber Jills: The Unsung Heroines of World War II. Illinois: Albert Whitman & Company, 2009
Foat, Joanna. The Lumberjills: Stronger Together. Merrow Downs Press, 2022.
Any suggestions to add to this list? E-mail Cherish at info@womenslandarmy.co.uk with your recommendations.