
Land Girls were invited to take part in local community events such as attending film shows, musical evenings or performing in amateur dramatics. This bonding was key for women’s integration into the greater countryside community, and was often promoted by the Women’s Institute.


From left to right, top to bottom:
Land Girls entertaining the troops at Thundersley Hostel, Essex. Source: Lorna Cosgrove
A get together after a day’s training. Versatile Iris Joyce types, farms and also plays. Source: Northamptonshire Records Office
Women’s Land Army in Retford in 1949. Source: Catherine Procter
One Saturday afternoon Ipswich Hope House in 1943. Source: Kara Lynn
Lady Godiva played by Brenda Collinge, Hulcote Moors Hostel, Bedfordshire. Published in the Bedfordshire Times on 1st June 1945, p6. Source: Stuart Antrobus

Snelling recounts, there was a rivalry between the different local communities in raising money for tanks and aeroplanes to be used in the war. Land Girls were an important showcase force at these events – a uniformed ‘farm army’, displaying patriotism for their country.


Kramer, Ann. Land Girls and Their Impact. Barnsley: Pen and Sword, 2008.
Snelling, Joan Mary. A Land Girl’s War. Ipswich England: Old Pond Publishing Ltd, 2004.