Vera Coates (née Taylor)

General Information

First Name(s): Vera

Unmarried Surname: Taylor

Married Surname: Coates

Date of Birth: 3.9.1924

Place of Birth: Guisborough, North Yorkshire

Date joined WLA: 8.4.1943

Date left WLA: 23.2.1946

WLA number: 115643

Previous occupation: No previous occupation.

Family’s reaction to joining: Family opposed as didn’t think she would be able to cope.

Treatment by farmers or market gardeners: Some farmers sceptical about women’s ability to do work initially.

Reasons for leaving: Completed 2 year’s service.


Pre-work training: 4 weeks training in general farm work.

Worked for Mr Bainbridge, Beck House Farm, Great Broughton, Stourbrough, Thirsk, Yorkshire.

Type of work undertaken: Farmwork.

Worked with: Kay Davidson (married name Bowron), Bunty ?, Sibyl ?.

Worked liked most and least: Disliked threshing.  Enjoyed working with animals (cows, hens).

Best and worst memories of time: Being outdoors, cycling around local lanes, friendships.

Life after the war

Post-war occupation: Groom.

How did work in the WLA effect your/ their life? Improved health & strength.  Previously a frail child, but she lived to be 91.

Any outstanding events or achievements: Passed Market Garden & Field Work Proficiency Test with Distinction.

Contributor Information

Name: Alison Simpson

Relationship to Land Girl: Daughter

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