Ruth Barnett (née Mills)

General Information

First Name(s): Ruth

Unmarried Surname: Mills

Married Surname: Barnett

Date of Birth: 17.9.27, Bethnal Green, London

Date joined WLA: 9.1.1946

Date left WLA: 26.10.1946

WLA number: 163417

Previous occupation: Packer

Reasons for joining:  Mum says she liked the sound of it – and the uniform.

Family’s reaction to joining: She doesn’t think they cared very much

Reactions of local people towards WLA: Very polite and respectful

Reasons for leaving: According to Mum’s registration card she left and went back again but then left for “Compassionate” reasons. She can’t recall why but thinks it may have been because she had to help look after younger brothers and sisters. Possibly, she may also have been pressured to earn better money to help with housekeeping.


Worked in Sutton Hoo, Woodbridge, Suffolk. Mum’s best friend was Lill but she can’t remember any more than that.

Type of work undertaken: Mum describes it as general land work but she didn’t drive tractors or anything like that.

Work liked most and least: She hated milking the cows!

Mum’s memories are very vague but she has always spoken about her time in the WLA with great pride.

One of Mum’s recollections is how the Land Girls were made to work when the local Italian Prisoners of War refused to work when the ground was hard with frost. The Italians had the protection of the Geneva Convention but the Land Girls had to get on with whatever tasks they were given.

Contributor Information

Ruth with the help of her son Michael Barnett.

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