Search the online database of Second World War Land Girl index cards.
Click here to read a guide on how to interpret them.
If you are interested in further research into the Women’s Land Army, then please read Stuart Antrobus’ article ‘Researching the History of the Women’s Land Army‘ (The Local History Magazine, Issue 111, January/ February 2007) which usefully summarises the different areas to look into when undertaking research in this area.
Search the website by county and type of material (e.g. photos, videos, publications).
Bedfordshire’s Women’s Land Army: Stuart Antrobus’ website presenting his detailed research into the Women’s Land Army in Bedfordshire.
BBC WW2 The People’s War: An archive of World War Two memories – written by the public, gathered by the BBC.
The Wartime Memories Project: An archive of World War Two memories collected by the Wartime Memories Project.

Stuart Antrobus has collated together his recommended reading lists on the Women’s Land Army. These are divided into:
For good introductions to the WLA, I would recommend:
- The Women’s Land Army: A Portrait by Gill Clarke
- We Wouldn’t Have Missed it for the World: the Women’s Land Army in Bedfordshire by Stuart Antrobus (offering the national perspective as well as specific information on Bedfordshire)
- Land Girls and their Impact by Ann Kramer
For the latest publications on the WLA, please click here.
Journal Articles
- Grayzel, Susan R. (1999). Nostalgia, Gender, and the Countryside: Placing the ‘Land Girl’ in First World War Britain. Rural History, 10, pp 155-170
- Vickers, Emma. (2011). ‘“The Forgotten Army of the Woods”: The Women’s Timber Corps during the Second World War’. The Agricultural History Review 59, no. 1
- Woodeson, A. (1993). ‘Going Back to the Land’: Rhetoric and Reality in Women’s Land Army Memories. Oral History, 21(2), 65-71.

Source: Courtesy of Stuart Antrobus.