Patricia Evelyn Reed (née Richardson)

General Information

First Name(s): Patricia Evelyn

Unmarried Surname: Richardson

Married Surname: Reed

Date of Birth: 12.10.1924

Place of Birth: Shanghai, China

Date joined WLA: 1941

Date left: 1944

Previous occupation: Was 17 when joined.

Reasons for joining: Evacuated and wanted to do something to help in the war.

Reaction of local people towards WLA: Good

Treatment by famers: Okay


Pre-work training: A month training, otherwise unknown.

From 1941-1943, worked for Claud Deeks, Fair Stead, Cowlinge, in Suffolk. Carried out general farm work and enjoyed working with animals.

Lived in one of the farmhouses.

Best memories: Generally working on the farm.

Worst memories: Rationing food.

Opportunities to meet other Land Girls: Not really – did not want to go into community, wanted to stay private.

Any outstanding events: Received medal.

Life after the war

Post-war occupation: Housewife, married the farm owner.

Contributor Information

Laura Hodson, Solicitor.

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