Olive Massey (née Clough)

General Information

Olive in her WLA uniform.

First Name(s): Olive

Unmarried Surname: Clough

Married Surname: Massey

Date of Birth: 2.9.1921

Place of Birth: Rossendale

Date joined the WLA: 10.4.1942

Date left the WLA: 26.1.1946

WLA number: 73532

Reasons for joining: To help her country.

Family’s reaction to joining: Her father has been in World War One. Had shell shock. Died of a stroke aged 48 in 1936. Olive only 14/15 years.

Reasons for leaving: End of war.

Olive in her WLA uniform.


Worked for a private farmer who was known as Daddy Watkins.

Type of work undertaken: Driving tractor, ploughing, feeding animals, pest prevention etc.

Work liked most and least: All done without complaint.

Best and worst memories of time: Farmer never helped my Mum Olive to get the tractor going in cold mornings. When she asked why, he said he knew she would get the job done. It was a compliment. She never forgot it.

Opportunities to meet other Land Girls: They all had bikes. They would cycle to the local dances. She always looked back with fond memories.

Treatment by farmers: She stayed with a farm family. She took me/her family back decades after to meet remaining people from farm.

Olive’s invitation to a party hosted by the Buckinghamshire WLA County Committee where they presented Land Girls with their four year armlets.
Olive Clough WLA Release Certificate.

Life after the war

What was their post-war occupation? Olive worked in the cotton industry.

How did work in the WLA effect their life? She had nine other siblings. This gave her confidence. She became her own person, instead of one of ten.

Any other comments: My Mum Olive also stayed in Buckinghamshire with a lady called Mrs Endel. She had a beautiful thatch house at the time. My Mum had the room overlooking the back garden.

Contributor Information

Pauline Taylor, daughter.

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