October Snapshot in 5: Northumberland

This October ‘Snapshot in 5 post’ features the work of the WLA in Northumberland.

1. An introduction to the WLA in Northumberland, using history boards at Wooler Hostel, previously a WLA hostel, now a youth hostel.

Wooler Hostel Women's Land Army, Northumberland

Source: Wooler Hostel

2. A poem on threshing by Northumberland Land Girl J.Baker.

A poem on Threshing by Northumberland Land Girl J.Baker.

Source: The Land Girl, March 1943, p.10.

3. Land Girls reading at Pawston Hostel.

Land Girls reading at Pawston Hostel, Northumberland.

Source: The Land Girl, February 1941, p.13. 

4. Dorothy Wilkinson expresses her appreciation for The Land Girl.

Northumberland Land Girl Dorothy Wilkinson expresses her appreciation for The Land Girl.

Source: The Land Girl, June 1940, p.11 

5. Meet a Land Girl of Wooler Hostel – Ruby Fairbairn.

Ruby Fairbairn

Source: Wooler Hostel

Further information on the WLA in Northumberland


Land Girls employed in Northumberland from June 1940 to 1947, calculated from the returns published in The Land Girl magazine.

In June 1940, Northumberland employed 59 Land Girls. By October 1943, 1442 Land Girls worked in the county.

Staff members

Chairman: The Countess Grey, C.B.E, Howick, Alnwick

Secretary: Mrs F.C. Clement Linnel Dene, Hexham.


Muriel Sobo, Land Girls of Northumberland 1940-1950: A Pictorial Record of Their Lives’ Work, 1st Edition (Newcastle upon Tyne: Northern Heritage, 2003).

Find out more

Did you or a member of family work in Northumberland as a Land Girl? If so, then get in touch.

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