October: A Night Out and Dancing

From left to right, top to bottom:
- Land Girls and Lumber Jills, some in uniform, some in mufti, dance with British soldiers at a dance in a large hall, near to their camp in Culford, Suffolk. The dance band plays and Union flags, and the flags of America and Russia decorate the walls above the musicians. A poster to the right of the stage advertises another event to be held at the Corn Exchange on Thursday 6 and Friday 7 May. Source: IWM D 14123
Land Army holiday camp, Cookham, 1942. Source: Mirrorpix
Lily Harrison, Barbara Wilson, and Mona Feather (l to r) from Milton Ernest WLA hostel in Bedfordshire ready for a ‘night out’ after a hard week’s work, c.1940s. Source: Stuart Antrobus
- British Land Army girls and members of the Women’s Royal Air Force (WAAF) dance with men of the US Eighth Army Air Force in Suffolk during 1943. Source: Pinterest