Maud Irene Harrhy

General Information

First Name(s): Maud Irene

Unmarried Surname: Harrhy

Date of Birth: 18/10/1926

Place of Birth: Manor Cottage, Hanenock, County of Monmouth

Date joined WLA: 1946

Date left: 1946/7

Previous occupation: Worked in the clothing business in South Wales. I was a presser and we did war uniforms.

Post-war occupation: Seven girls and myself volunteered to go to the Channel Islands to help them after the war was over. We were in Jersey, working for one gentleman who was French and very grateful for our service, and treated us very wall. Stayed there for three and a half months.

Family’s reaction to joining: Did not mind I joined the WLA.

Reasons for joining: I enjoyed being outside.

Reasons for leaving: While working on one farm, he took Prisoners of War into his home for a meal and we were left outside to eat.

Land Girls at Bonvilston.


Employed by: County War Agricultural Committee in Bonvilston.

Type of work undertaken: Working on threshing machines, digging and picking up potatoes, hoeing etc.

Worked liked most and least: Throwing manure and thrashing.

Best and worst memories of time: Was the time we spent together thirty of us.

Worked with: Edna Morgan, Eria Richards, Lilian Quick, Olive Attwood, Joan Hopkins, Fay Latner, Ida Gambarini

Opportunities to meet other Land Girls and Lumber Jills: The Aldershot NAAFI Club was open for dances.

Treatment by farmers or market gardeners: Pretty good overall.

Any other comments on time in the WLA: A wonderful time in my life.


Lived in a hostel in Bonvilston, near Cardiff, South Glam.

Contributor Information

Name: Maud Irene Harrhy Port

Maud’s sister Mary Oborn and Maud.

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