Joy Smith

Joy Smith (30.10.1923) became a Lumber Jill in February 1943. Joy joined the Women’s Timber Corps and began her training at Culford Camp. She then worked in Wooton-u-Edge in Gloucestershire. Joy’s son-in-law Robin Daly has scanned in Joy’s wonderful selection of photos of her time as Lumber Jill. Not only this, but Robin has recorded an interview with Joy, where she talks about her collection of items as well as experiences in the forests of Britain and at her billet. Thank you to Joy and Robin for taking the time to share Joy’s experiences for readers of this website. I will let Joy’s photographs and Joy herself do the talking…

Joy in her Women's Timber Corps uniform.
Joy Smith in her Women’s Timber Corps uniform.

Joining the Women’s Timber Corps and her family’s reaction

Training at Culford Camp and an interesting surprise in her shredded wheat…

And a souvenir from training…

Joy's signed tree bark from her WTC training
Joy’s signed tree bark from her WTC training

Joy's signed tree bark from her WTC training

Joy discussing her first placement

Joy Smith with items of her WTC uniform.
Joy Smith with items of her WTC uniform.

Joy talking about her WTC uniform

N.B Each diamond represented half a year’s service.

A selection of items from Joy's time in the Women's Timber Corps.
A selection of items from Joy’s time in the Women’s Timber Corps.
Hilda Webb
Hilda Webb from Aberdeen.
Women working in woods at Wootton-u-Edge.
Women and men working in woods at Wootton-u-Edge.

Meeting fellow Lumber Jill Spenney

Spenney, Potter's Bar, Easter, 1944.
Spenney, Potter’s Bar, Easter, 1944.
Spenny and two other women.
Spenny and two other women.
Using the cross-cut saw. Spenny and another woman.
Using the cross-cut saw. Spenny and another woman.
Spenny felling a tree.
Spenny felling a tree.
Using the cross-cut saw. Spenny and another woman.
Using the cross-cut saw. Spenny and another woman.

Working in the forests

Delivering pit props in Forest of Dean. Hilda Webb on lorry, Tom, & Joy.
A Lumber Jill felling a tree.
A Lumber Jill felling a tree.
Women and men working in the forests.
Women and men working in the forests.

Gloucester March Past

March Past in Glouchester. 3rd from left, Hilda and Joy behind.
March Past in Gloucester. 3rd from left, Hilda and Joy behind.

"Yankee Tmber Corps Wedding", at Wutton Church, July 1943.
“Yankee Tmber Corps Wedding”, at Wutton Church, July 1943.

At Joyce’s Billet

Views from Coombe Road, Women working in woods at Wootton-u-Edge, 1943.
Views from Coombe Road, Women working in woods at Wootton-u-Edge, 1943.
View from front of bedroom window at Views from Coombe Road, Women working in woods at Wootton-on-Edge, 1943.
View from front of bedroom window at Views from Coombe Road.
Joy’s mother, Hilda, Marjorie, and Joy outside “The Homestead”, 1943.
Joy's father, Hilda, Marjorie, and Joy's mother outside "The Homestead", London, 1943.
Joy’s father, Hilda, Marjorie, and Joy’s mother outside “The Homestead”, London, 1943.
Mrs Ashton, Mrs Cullimore, Mr Cullimore, and June outside "The Ark" at Wootton-u-Edge, 1943.
Mrs Ashton, Mrs Cullimore, Mr Cullimore, and June outside “The Ark” at Wootton-u-Edge, 1943.
Hilda in the garden of "The Ark".
Hilda in the garden of “The Ark”.
Joy Smith in the garden of "The Ark".
Joy Smith in the garden of “The Ark”.
Hilda and June in the garden, at Wootton-u-Edge, 1943.
Hilda and June in the garden, at Wootton-u-Edge, 1943.
June, aged 3 in the garden in Wootton-u-Edge, 1943.
June, aged 3 in the garden in Wootton-u-Edge, 1943.

Haley’s Mill, Cirencester

Timber yard at Haley's Mill, Cirencester.
Timber yard at Haley’s Mill, Cirencester.
Timber yard and part of sawmill at Haley's Mill, Cirencester. Max in cap in front of lorry.
Timber yard and part of sawmill at Haley’s Mill, Cirencester. Max in cap in front of lorry.
Timber yard at Cirencester
Timber yard at Cirencester
Another shot of the timber yard at Haley's Mill, Cirencester.
Another shot of the timber yard at Haley’s Mill, Cirencester.

And…VE Day

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