Lillian Margaret Luck (née Catt)

General Information

Women's Land Army badge, often wore on the hat, jumper or tie. Source: Catherine Procter WLA collection.
Women’s Land Army badge, often wore on the hat, jumper or tie.
Source: Catherine Procter WLA collection.

First Name(s): Lillian Margaret

Unmarried Surname: Catt

Married Surname: Luck

Date of Birth: 14.7.1926

Place of Birth: Tudeley

Date joined WLA: 1942

Date left WLA: 1945

Previous occupation: Domestic service at Judd House, Tonbridge School, Tonbridge.

Reasons for joining: I joined with my friend from the village.

Family’s reaction to joining: They were happy that I was helping the war effort.

Reasons for leaving: Discharged at the end of the war.

Reactions of local people towards WLA/WTC: They were very good to us.

Treatment by farmers: I was always treated well.


Worked on Pyes Farm, Boxley, Aylesford, Kent. Transferred from Five Oak Green to Aylesford, working at Mays Farm Barming.

Types of work undertaken: I was initially part of the operating team of a threshing machine and also undertook general farm work.

Work liked most and least: I liked the general farm work best but did not enjoy working with the threshing machine.

Best and worst memories of time: I really enjoyed my time in the WLA.

Opportunities to meet other Land Girls: Mostly at social events like the dances at the YMCA in Aylesford.


Lived in a cottage in Aylesford, sharing a room shared with another girl.

Life after the war

Post-war occupation: General farm work

How did work in the WLA effect their life? I do not feel that leaving the WLA made any difference to my later life.

Any other information: From our billet we could hear the lions roaring in the local zoo at Maidstone during air raids. In the south east of England we were regularly subjected to bombing raids by the German Air Force and later the terror of the V1 rockets.

Contributor Information

Name: Vanessa Hollamby

Relationship to Land Girl: Daughter

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