Joan Lilian Mabel Maycock (née Rayner)

General Information

First Name(s): Joan Lilian Mabel

Unmarried Surname: Rayner

Married surname: Maycock

Date of Birth: 25/02/1920

Place of Birth: Wiltshire

Date joined WLA: 1942 – 1943 ?

Date left: 1944 ?

Previous occupation: First Sales Assistant Manageress in J. Lyons – London, Corner House

Reasons for joining: Because my husband was serving in the forces and I wanted to do my bit.

Family’s reaction to joining: Husband was happy because he didn’t want me to join the forces. Mum and Dad accepted it was my decision.

Reasons for leaving: Pregnant with 1st child.


Worked for a private farmer in Sidcup, Kent. Then transferred to Hythe Nurseries, where worked as a market gardener.

Living in lodgings instead of at home. I was married then husband in Royal Navy.

Type of work undertaken: Collected vegetables, picked to be put on truck for delivery. Hoeing between rows of veg. Hay making.

Best memories: Friendship with other girls.

Opportunities to meet other Land Girls: Walks – shows.

Reactions of local people towards WLA: Good – appreciated.

Treatment by farmers or market gardeners: Friendly, looked after well.

Any other comments on time in the WLA: Happy – good fun all together.

Life after the war

Housewife had a baby

Contributor Information

Name: Joan Maycock, with the help of her daughter Brenda Everest,

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