Happy 5th Birthday Women’s Land Army.co.uk!

Women's Land Army.co.uk in May 2013

Since its birth, the website, Women’s Land Army.co.uk, has undergone a major transformation to make it easier to share content.

This week celebrates the 5th Anniversary of Women’s Land Army.co.uk. 5 years ago I published the website, which started out as a college project. Since then the website has grown leaps and bounds to now be the national online hub for information on the First and Second World War Women’s Land Army and Timber Corps. Thank you to all those who have supported the site – YOU have made it grow…

If you’re interested in finding out more about the background to the website, check out the following pages:

To celebrate 5 years, I’ve found 5 Women’s Land Army themed birthday cakes, made for Land Girl veterans. They are certainly a very creative way to mark Women’s Land Army celebrations.





Yorkshire Museum of Farming WLA Cake

Yorkshire Museum of Farming WLA Cake for the celebration of the Feeding the Nation Women’s Land Army Exhibition.
Source: Cherish Watton




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