Esther Carini

General Information

First Name(s): Esther

Maiden name: Carini

Married surname: Kleanthous. Married Clif Kleanthous in 1959.

Date of birth: 13/10/1922

Date of death: 03/04/2018

Date joined WTC: 8.3.43

Date left WTC: 3.10.45

Post-war: Lived in Liverpool road until 1970, then moved to Dagenham for a garden for 3 growing boys: Mark Kleanthous (born December 1960), Nick Kleanthous (born February 1962) and Paul Kleanthous (born November 1964).

Contributor Information

Name: Mark Kleanthous

Relationship to Land Girl: Son

Esther Carini, middle of the front row of Lumber Jills, celebrating VE Day at Trafalgar Square.
Esther’s WLA and WTC Veterans Badge.
Esther (far right hand side with fellow Land Girls and/or Lumber Jills.

Letters sent to Esther marking the end of her time in the WLA.

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