Elizabeth Mary Loveridge
General Information
First Name(s): Elizabeth Mary (known as Lily)
Unmarried Surname: Loveridge
Date of Birth: 13.10.1928
Place of Birth: Bristol ?
Date joined WLA: 1944?
Date left: 1950
Previous occupation: Usherette at the Whiteladies Cinema in Clifton, Bristol
Reasons for joining: As soon as was old enough, wanted to do her bit for the war effort.
Family’s reaction to joining: Mother a little upset to lose her and was concerned about the loss of contribution towards the household expenses.
Reaction of local people towards WLA: There was a sense of approval from the community.
Pre-work training: Training at Fieldgrove Farm, Bitton, Bristol. Then moved to a farm in Chippenham, Wiltshire.
Whilst at Chippenham she stayed at WLA Hostel, Greenway Lane, Chippenham, Wilts. Shared with Sarah Winnifred Loveridge (sister).
Type of work undertaken: Farm work. Milking cows, hay making, gathering crops etc.
Best memories: Meeting a young German POW, Bert Schrader (football player for Chippenham Town) who was working at the same farm in Wiltshire and becoming engaged.
Opportunities to meet other Land Girls: Possibly maybe went to dances etc., nothing was ever mentioned
Any outstanding events or achievements: No because Lily died at age 27
How did work in the WLA effect their life: Contracted Bovine Tuberculosis from working with the cows.

Life after the war
Post-war occupation: No. Lily contracted Tuberculosis and died in 1956 aged 27
Contributor Information
Teresa Haigh, Niece.