This page offers links to useful teaching resources on the Women’s Land Army.
If you have any recommended resources, please get in touch.
Feeding the Nation School Workshop

Land Girl interviews
Listen to an interview with former Land Girl Jean Davis about her time in the Women’s Land Army, in this video designed for children. See other resources on women’s war work here.
Evacuees (Home Front Heroes) Day hosted for KS2 students at Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse, Norfolk
Join costumed characters and discover the Home Front during World War Two. Meet a Women’s Land Army girl and ‘Dig for Victory’ with the heavy horses. Take cover in the air raid shelter and let the ARP warden show you how to use a stirrup pump. ‘Make do and Mend’ with a worried housewife, find out about rationing in the Village Shop and help win the war with the Home Guard. Call 01362 869251 or visit the Gressenhall Museum pages for the latest information.