Edith Whorlow
General Information
First Name(s): Edith
Unmarried Surname: Whorlow
Date of Birth: 1921
Place of Birth: Whitstable, Kent
Date joined WLA: 22.7.1940
Date left: End of war?
WLA number: 35140
Previous occupation: None on records.
Reasons for joining: For the war effort.
Family’s reaction to joining: Pleased.
Reactions of local people: Articles in the local press, Whitstable Times, listing the girls in their posts, e.g. Red Cross Nurses, WLA.
Pre-work training: Seale Hayne College, Newton Abbot, Devonshire. Training in farm work.
Worked for a private farmer in East Kent and lived in a private billet.
Life after the war
Did they return to their pre-war occupation? Yes.
What was their post-war occupation? Housewife.
How did work in the WLA effect their life? Changed it completely.
Contributor Information
Sharon A Pout, Great-niece.