Dorothy’s WLA Journey 2: Uniform & Parade

Dorothy Clayden
Dorothy Clayden

This series of posts charts Dorothy Clayden’s time in the Women’s Land Army form 1942 to 1946. This second focuses on Dorothy’s attendance at a WLA parade in Preston and shows the process of how the WLA allocated items of uniform.

WLA Rally Invitation, 30th May 1942
WLA parade in Preston, May 1942?
WLA parade in Preston, 30th May 1942?
Presumably by the time Dorothy attended the parade, she would have been issued with a WLA badge, as this undated letter states.
Presumably by the time Dorothy attended the parade, she would have been issued with a WLA badge, as this undated letter states.

In the Archives: Click here to see the different types of WLA badges.

Letter sent on 1st June 1942 regarding the rationing of clothing in return for Dorothy's WLA uniform.
Letter sent on 1st June 1942 regarding the rationing of clothing in return for Dorothy's WLA uniform.
Letter sent on 1st June 1942 regarding the rationing of clothing in return for Dorothy’s WLA uniform.

See more here:

Dorothy’s WLA Journey 1: Enrolment

Dorothy’s WLA Journey 3: First billet in Shropshire

Dorothy’s WLA Journey 4: ‘Lady-Killer of Vermin’

Dorothy’s WLA Journey 5: VE Day and Disbandment

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