Dorothy’s WLA Journey 1: Enrolment

Dorothy Clayden

Dorothy Clayden

This series of posts charts Dorothy Clayden’s time in the Women’s Land Army form 1942 to 1946. We will be looking at a range of primary sources including correspondence and photos to trace Dorothy’s journey.

Dorothy was born in 1921, so she was twenty years old when she enrolled in the WLA in February 1942. She originally worked as a hairdresser in Morecambe in Lancashire. Dorothy’s daughter, Judi notes how her mother joined the WLA as she wanted to make a contribution to the war effort.

This first post looks at Dorothy’s interview and the procedures to allocate her to work at the Morecambe Parks Department, co-ordinated by the Lancashire County Committee.

Dorothy Clayden Invitation to WLA letter, 3rd January 1942

Dorothy Clayden’s invitation letter to join the WLA in January 1942

Invitation to Dorothy Clayden to work with Morecombe Parks Department, 2nd February 1944.

Invitation to Dorothy Clayden from Edith Whinnenah (Lancashire County Committee) to work with Morecambe Parks Department, 2nd February 1942.


Letter confirming Dorothy Clayden's upcoming work at Morecombe Parks, 7th February 1942

Letter confirming Dorothy Clayden’s upcoming work at Morecambe Parks, 7th February 1942


Letter from Morecombe Parks inviting Dorothy Clayden to begin work.

Letter from Morecombe Parks Superintendent inviting Dorothy Clayden to begin work, 10th February 1942.


Letter from WLA confirming Dorothy Clayden's work at Morecambe park, 17th February 1942.

Letter from the Lancashire Committee Organising Secretary,  confirming Dorothy Clayden’s work at Morecambe park, 17th February 1942.

See more here:

Dorothy’s WLA Journey 2: Uniform & Parade

Dorothy’s WLA Journey 3: First billet in Shropshire

Dorothy’s WLA Journey 4: ‘Lady-Killer of Vermin’

Dorothy’s WLA Journey 5: VE Day and Disbandment


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