Doris Eva Webb (née Neale)

Doris Neale in her WLA uniform in 1944.

General Information

First Name(s): Doris Eva

Unmarried Surname: Neale

Married Surname: Webb

Date of Birth: 23.2.1927

Place of Birth: Liverpool

Date left WLA: 14.2.1950

WLA number: 154251

Previous occupation: Factory work in Liverpool

Reasons for joining: Adventure, war contribution

Reactions of local people towards WLA: Generally positive

Treatment by farmers: Mostly good only one story of a farmer shouting at the girls and poor accommodation.


Worked for private farmer in Devon around the Totnes area

Types of work undertaken: Milking, potato picking, Brussel sprout picking

Work liked most and least: Liked milking, disliked brusel sprout picking

Opportunities to meet other Land Girls: Met others around south Devon in Totnes.

Doris, Land Girl in the front right corner, with fellow Land Girls in 1944.

Life after the war

Post-war occupation: Joined WAAF and married RAF airman.

Any outstanding events or achievements:

  • Married from 1952 until widowed in 1984
  • Brought up two sons. One achieved a Masters Degree and the other a Doctorate
  • Doris spent 3 years in Ceylon, 7 years in Cyprus and 2 years in Germany with her husband Bill

Doris was always enthusiastic about her time in WLA and went on to reunions in the 1990s.

Doris, holding a bottle of wine, with Land Girl veterans at the Royal Albert Hall Reunion.

Contributor Information

Name: William Webb

Relationship to Land Girl: Son

Doris Neale’s Proficiency Market Garden and Field work proficiency certificate.
Letter sent to Doris from Devon and Cornwall County Secretary with £10 to tide Doris over financially difficult times.

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