Doris Bradley (née Moore)

General Information

Doris Bradley 18 years of age family Mum Dad and younger sister Jean
Doris Bradley 18 years of age, with her mother, father, and younger sister Jean.

First Name(s): Doris

Unmarried Surname:  Moore

Married Surname: Bradley

Date of Birth: 1.5.1924

Place of Birth: Faversham, Kent

Date Joined WLA: 4.5.1942

Date Left WLA:  1.1.1946

WLA number: 75760

Previous occupation: Printer

Reasons for joining: Wanted to join up.

Family’s reaction to joining: Bewildered

Best and worst memories of time: All different experiences, mostly enjoyable.

Reactions of local people: Quite good.

Reasons for leaving: Got married

Doris Bradley WLA Certificate
Doris Bradley’s WLA Certificate from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother.


No training.

Worked for a private farmer, Mr Ash and all over the county in Throwley, Faversham, Herne Bay.

Carried out threshing from September – May, alongside general farm work.


Lived in a private billet, PC Sharmans, Police House, Throwley. Faversham. Shared with Queeny Statford.

Also lived in Herne Bay Hostel, Faversham.

Life after the war

Returned to pre-war occupation as a printer.

How did work in the WLA / WTC effect your/ their life? Enjoyable. Interesting experiences and no regrets.

Other information

Any outstanding events or achievements in WLA/WTC or in later life? Seeing first Doodlebug come over England. Jumping on rats to kill them.

Contributor Information

Name: Doris Bradley

Doris Bradley with her younger sister Jean
20-year-old Doris with her younger sister Jean.
Doris Bradley Release Certificate
Doris Bradley Release Certificate

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