Brenda Constance Maule (née Last)

General Information

Brenda Constance Last in her WLA uniform in 1940.

First Name(s): Brenda Constance

Unmarried Surname: Last

Married Surname: Maule

Date of Birth: 11.5.22

Place of Birth: Ixworth, Suffolk

Date joined WLA: 27.10.1939

Date left WLA: 31.7.1942

WLA number: 15316

Previous occupation: School.

Reasons for joining: To be part of life at that time.

Reasons for leaving: Marriage.

Reactions of local people towards WLA: Proud.


Worked for a private farmer in Suffolk. I think Mum lived at home.

Best and worst memories: Making lifetime friends (best) and meeting husband (worst).

Fred (brother), Joan (sister), Sam (father) and Brenda Last in 1941.

Life after the war

Post-war occupation: Nurse (?) at a military hospital in Colchester.

Did they stand on the land: No.

How did work in the WLA effect their life? Mum loved it.

Joan (sister), Brenda, and Florence in 1941.

Contributor Information

Name: June Cavender

Relationship to Land Girl: Daughter

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