August Activity of the Month: Threshing

Threshing - August Photo of the Month

From left to right, top to bottom:

  • A team of mobile Land Girls threshing in Toddington. Courtesy of Stuart Antrobus.
  • Land Girls stacking straw at Sharpenhoe. Courtesy of Stuart Antrobus.
  • and Girl Dorothy Sills (aged 19) from Middlesborough helps with the harvest on a farm in Yorkshire. She was a shop assistant before joining the Women’s Land Army. She is shown helping with the threshing, by carrying a large sack of wheat on her shoulders. Source: IWM D 10778

Other activities included:

  • Silage making
  • Lambs weaned and turned onto the grass left after the hay and silage crops have been taken (known as aftermath grazing)
  • Combine harvest cereals, bale and cart straw
  • Begin ploughing and cultivations for next years cereals

Source: Farm

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