Alice Adelaide Singer (née Bryant)

General Information

Alice Singer (née Bryant) WLA Photo Collection 1
Alice Singer WLA Collection
Alice Singer (née Bryant) in her WLA uniform on joining March 1943.

First Name(s): Alice Adelaide

Unmarried Surname: Bryant

Married Surname: Singer

Date of Birth: 28.12.1921

Date of Death: 12.06.2000

Place of Birth: Islington, North London

Date joined WLA: March 1943

Date left WLA: 1945

Previous occupation: Technical clerk at GlaxoSmithKline.

Reasons for joining: The desire to join the war effort.

Family’s reaction to joining: Her family welcomed my mother joining the WLA.

Reactions of local people towards WLA: Generally good, although there was a degree of sexism: women doing ‘men’s work’.

Treatment by farmer or market gardeners: Again, generally good. The farmers were grateful for the WLA workforce.

Reasons for leaving: My mother was discharged on health grounds. She had developed fibrositis due to working in wet and cold conditions on the farm.

Alice Singer WLA Collection
Alice is seated on the right at the end the front row,


Type of work undertaken: Hedging and ditching, hay-making, harvesting and rat-catching.

Work liked most and least: She enjoyed the hay-making and harvesting. She did not enjoy rat-catching.

How did work in the WLA effect their life? My mother enjoyed the agricultural work, the team work and making some life-long friends.

Best and worst memories: Best memories: working in the countryside, the team spirit and camaraderie Worst memories: the fear of bombing raids.

Opportunities to meet other Land Girls: The dances that were held locally.

Alice Singer WLA Collection
Alice is third from the left, wearing a headscarf and a white top.


The Watton-at-Stone hostel, Hertfordshire.

There was a Jean but I cannot recall her surname.

Alice Singer WLA Collection
Alice is standing at the front of the group, wearing a headscarf and a white top.

Life after the war

My mother returned to her post as technical clerk at the pharmaceutical company, GlaxoSmithKline.

How did work in the WLA / WTC effect your/ their life? Enjoyed working with livestock and in particular horses.

Alice Singer WLA Collection
Alice is third from the right, holding the hand of the woman standing next to her.

Contributor Information

Name: Margaret Elizabeth Giordmaine

Relationship to Land Girl: Daughter

Alice is standing on the top of the haystack, second on the left.

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